Following - Brands

Polyflor Modlar Brand

Polyflor's resilient and safety vinyl floor coverings provide the ideal flooring solution for a wide variety of hea...

Bloc PUR Polyflor Heterogeneous flooring ranges library BIM contents Polyflor Ejecta ranges of flooring accessories library BIM contents Polyflor ranges texture files for floor and tile Affinity Range Vinyl Flooring
Invisible Structures, Inc Modlar Brand

Since 1982, Invisible Structures, Inc. has manufactured innovative products that both protect and enhance the envir...

Beachrings - Floor Mat Draincore2 Geocomposite Drainage Layer
Bradley Corporation Modlar Brand

Bradley is the industry's leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing fixtures and washroom accessories. Headquart...

MF2933 Tri-Fount Frequency FL-2H Aerix 2921 Vertical Dual Sided Hand Dryer LC800 - Lavatory, Fixed Water Closet Comby WF2504 Pre-Assembled 54" Semi-Circular with 9" Deep Bowl Terreon - Type A Drain
Mitsubishi Electric Modlar Brand

Our corporate statement, "Changes for the Better," encapsulates all that we stand for and aspire to—a brighter fu...
