In the midst of the Great Depression, two aggressive young men emerged with two new products that would make major...
From the hearts and souls of two brothers convinced that family matters above all else, emerged Maxim Lighting®,...
Woven Image is an Australian wholesale interior finishes company servicing the global commercial marketplace. Key b...
Founded in 1934, Wright Line had a history of excellence outfitting technology-intensive environments with its stro...
Viking Range, LLC originated ultra-premium commercial-type appliances for residential use, creating a whole new cat...
Baker Furniture, a premier manufacturer and designer of fine home furnishings.
Caesarstone is the original quartz surface manufacturer. The company is headquartered in Southern California, with...
Bradley is the industry's leading manufacturer of commercial plumbing fixtures and washroom accessories. Headquart...
Electrolux is a global leader in household appliances and appliances for professional use, selling more than 50 mil...
Bosch home appliances is part of BSH, Bosch and Siemens Home Appliance Group, based in Munich, Germany. As part of...