Following - Brands

HighTower Group Modlar Brand

HighTower ensures that innovative companies have offices that are as cool as they are. A US-based furniture company...

Plasma Lounge Seating Happy Sofa Didi Lounge Chair Brasilia Bentwood Table
Klein Modlar Brand

Founded in Barcelona, Spain and headquartered in New Jersey, Klein develops high-quality interior sliding door syst...

JSI Furniture Modlar Brand

Part of the Jasper Group family of brands, JSI is furniture for business interiors. The JSI brand manufactures seat...

Finlandia Sauna Products Inc Modlar Brand

Finlandia Sauna has been manufacturing authentic Finnish Saunas since 1964. Finlandia is the oldest Sauna company u...

Sauna Heater - Ever Ready AV Model Sauna Heater - Club Model Commercial Heater; Club Model Sauna Flooring; Superdek Exterior Wall Mounted Controls