Following - Brands

Precision Frameworks Modlar Brand

Precision Frameworks custom cuts each frame to your specifications, ships coast to coast and keeps all moulding in...

Classic Frame 622BLK Easy Frame 220B Easy Frame 600B Easy Frame - 300VB Easy Frame 220BLK
Artigo Modlar Brand

High performance rubber surfaces, ideal for flooring of schools, offices, hospitals, museums, and indoor public sp...

BS Strong Rubber Tiles Natura Rubber Surface Granito Rubber Surface Zeus Rubber Tiles Kayar Rubber Surface
Fluxwerx Modlar Brand

We synthesize industrial design, optical engineering and LED technology with an obsessive attention to detail that...

Notch 4 Lighting System Transom Lighting System Notch 2 Lighting System Fold Spoke Lighting System Fold Lighting System
KETTAL Modlar Brand

Since its beginnings in 1966, Kettal has had an international calling to design and innovation. In the first years...

Polyflor Modlar Brand

Polyflor's resilient and safety vinyl floor coverings provide the ideal flooring solution for a wide variety of hea...

Affinity Range Vinyl Flooring Polyflor Electrostatic (ESD) flooring ranges library BIM contents Expona Commercial Vinyl Flooring Polyflor Wall cladding floor-to-wall surface library BIM contents Polyflor Homogeneous flooring ranges library BIM contents