Following - Brands

Knoll Modlar Brand

Knoll uses modern design to connect people to their work, their lives, their world. Since 1938, Knoll has been rec...

Bertoia Asymmetric Chaise Albini Desk Rockwell Unscripted® Lockers Saarinen Dining Table - Oval k.™ lounge
Knightsbridge Furniture Modlar Brand

Established in 1939, Knightsbridge Furniture is one of the UK's most respected contract furniture manufacturers sup...

Shelley Armchair and Sofa Baseline Mental Health Furniture Dalton Seating Range Ascot Dining Table Lexie 3 Seater Sofa
Hospitality Designs Modlar Brand

Our hotel furniture and service package offers exceptional value for your purchasing experience. Since 1993, we hav...
