Following - Brands

Horiso® Modlar Brand

As an Australian manufacturer and supplier of Solar Control Systems to the architectural and building industries, H...

Horiso Rack Arm Systems for ArchiCAD and Revit
Andersen Windows & Doors Modlar Brand

The privately owned business was founded in 1903 by Danish immigrant Hans Andersen and his family in Hudson, Wiscon...

E-Series French Gliding Patio Door A-Series Casement Window E-Series Awning Window E-Series Casement Window A-Series Awning Window
Polyflor Modlar Brand

Polyflor's resilient and safety vinyl floor coverings provide the ideal flooring solution for a wide variety of hea...

Affinity Range Vinyl Flooring Polyflor Electrostatic (ESD) flooring ranges library BIM contents Bloc PUR Polyflor Commercial Vinyl Tile (VCT) flooring ranges library BIM contents Polyflor Safety/Non Slip flooring ranges library BIM contents