Following - Brands

Horiso® Modlar Brand

As an Australian manufacturer and supplier of Solar Control Systems to the architectural and building industries, H...

Horiso Rack Arm Systems for ArchiCAD and Revit
Polyflor Modlar Brand

Polyflor's resilient and safety vinyl floor coverings provide the ideal flooring solution for a wide variety of hea...

Affinity Range Vinyl Flooring Bloc PUR Polyflor Sport 67 flooring ranges library BIM contents Polyflor Rubber flooring ranges library BIM contents Polyflor Homogeneous flooring ranges library BIM contents
Heritage hardware Modlar Brand

WELCOME to Heritage Hardware. Bringing you affordable European designer sinks, cabinet handles, and innovative hard...

Helland Modlar Brand

Helland Mobler was founded in 1947. We have been producing furniture for the contract market since 1960. Our goal h...

Miele AU Appliances Modlar Brand

Available on five continents, Miele is the only truly global premium brand of high-end domestic appliances, respect...

Cooktop KM 362-1 G Cooktop KM 2312 Cooktop KM 2012 G Built-in freezer FNS 37402 i Refrigeration KWT 6321 UG
Mitsubishi Electric Modlar Brand

Our corporate statement, "Changes for the Better," encapsulates all that we stand for and aspire to—a brighter fu...
