Following - Brands

KETTAL Modlar Brand

Since its beginnings in 1966, Kettal has had an international calling to design and innovation. In the first years...

HighTower Group Modlar Brand

HighTower ensures that innovative companies have offices that are as cool as they are. A US-based furniture company...

Happy Sofa Didi Lounge Chair Brasilia Bentwood Table Plasma Lounge Seating
TRILUX Modlar Brand

TRILUX SIMPLIFY YOUR LIGHT represents the most simple and reliable path to customised, energy-efficient and sustain...

Delray Lighting Modlar Brand

Delray Lighting Inc. products feature CFL, T5/T5HO T8, LED, and CMH light sources in energy-efficient luminaires...

Aspect LED 680 Cylindro III, Lux by Delray Lighting Open A-Line Industrial LED IL7812-13-14-16 Open by Delray Lighting Cylinders LED
&tradition Modlar Brand

Craft meets art. Function meets form. Material meets potential. This is our Nordic tradition and heritage. &tradit...

Mega Bulb SR2 Sofie Refer 2006