In the midst of the Great Depression, two aggressive young men emerged with two new products that would make major...
In 1944, Wilton Carlyle Dinges founded the Electrical Machine and Equipment Company (Emeco) in Hanover Pennsylvania...
Available on five continents, Miele is the only truly global premium brand of high-end domestic appliances, respect...
Runtal Radiators offer the unparalleled comfort of radiant heat and sleek Eurostyle design, all at a price you can...
Dan Gillingham honed his skills designing furniture for manufacturing companies including innovative bed designs f...
Our corporate statement, "Changes for the Better," encapsulates all that we stand for and aspire to—a brighter fu...
HighTower ensures that innovative companies have offices that are as cool as they are. A US-based furniture company...
Woven Image is an Australian wholesale interior finishes company servicing the global commercial marketplace. Key b...
Established in 1939, Knightsbridge Furniture is one of the UK's most respected contract furniture manufacturers sup...