Aliete Modlar Profile


Tecnica em Edificacoes, cursando arquitetura, conclusao em dezembro 2016. Experiencia em acompanhar os servicos em obra segundo os padroes de qualidade, ministrar aulas para profissionais da construcao civil, dar apoio no desenvolvimento de projetos arquitetonicos.
Participacao na Olimpiada do conhecimento do SENAI, na modalidade de Seguranca do Trabalho.
Conhecimento no programa Autocad e pacote Office.
Habilidade para trabalho em equipe e com metas a longo, medio e curto prazo.

Following - Brands

Cambria Modlar Brand

Tailored to Your Trade Our core business philosophy is to build lasting relationships with a select group of trade...

Helland Modlar Brand

Helland Mobler was founded in 1947. We have been producing furniture for the contract market since 1960. Our goal h...

Knightsbridge Furniture Modlar Brand

Established in 1939, Knightsbridge Furniture is one of the UK's most respected contract furniture manufacturers sup...

Maddie Upholstered Seating Range Tempo Upright Chair Caspia One Door One Drawer Bedside Cabinet Delta Stacking Chair Jasmine Seating Collection
Fisher & Paykel Modlar Brand

Fisher & Paykel has been designing products since 1934 and has grown into a global company operating in 50 countrie...

30'' Double Oven OB30DTEPX3 600mm Warming Drawer WB60SDEX1 30'' Single Oven OB30STEPX3 Freestanding Refrigerator Freezer, 32" E522BRXFD Freestanding Refrigerator Freezer, 32" E522BRE