Following - Brands

Baker Furniture Modlar Brand

Baker Furniture, a premier manufacturer and designer of fine home furnishings.

Tashmarine King Bed Celestite Sofa
Arcadia, Inc. Modlar Brand

The Arcadia Group is a leading single source supplier of architectural building products, including curtain wall,...

Window - Offset Glazed System TC670 Series (Non-Therm or Thermal) Bifold door 8000 Series Curtain Wall - T500 T500-OPG1900 (Thermal) Window - Center Glazed System AG451T Series (Non-Therm or Thermal) Fixed Window - Projecting T200 Series (Thermal)
Caesarstone Modlar Brand

Caesarstone is the original quartz surface manufacturer. The company is headquartered in Southern California, with...

Resene Paints NZ Modlar Brand

The company, established in 1946, is today an international company with manufacturing operations in Australia and...
