Following - Brands

Ortal USA Modlar Brand

ORTAL boasts more than 60 models, the largest selection of modern fireplaces in North America. They're available in...

Space Creator 200 Burner Clear 150 Tunnel Burner Clear 40H RS/LS Burner Stand Alone 75 TS Burner Clear 110 High Burner
Runtal Radiators Modlar Brand

Runtal Radiators offer the unparalleled comfort of radiant heat and sleek Eurostyle design, all at a price you can...

RS2 panel radiators RV panel radiators Radiator RF-2 Commercial Hydronic Radiator R3F-2 RC Ceiling Panel Radiators
The Earnest Workshop Modlar Brand

Dan Gillingham honed his skills designing furniture for manufacturing companies including innovative bed designs f...

Edna Dining Chair
Polyflor Modlar Brand

Polyflor's resilient and safety vinyl floor coverings provide the ideal flooring solution for a wide variety of hea...

Affinity Range Vinyl Flooring Polyflor Heterogeneous flooring ranges library BIM contents Polyflor Homogeneous flooring ranges library BIM contents Expona Commercial Vinyl Flooring Polyflor Forest FX flooring ranges library BIM contents