Commercial Photo Collections

Bleacher Seating in Offices

Bleacher-style seating maximizes space, perfect for small areas and growing offices. This trend has been showing up consistently in of... VIEW NOW >

Buildings That Blend In

With the use of mirrors, green roofs or other tricks, these architectural projects are cleverly hidden or integrated into their surrou... VIEW NOW >

Apple Stores by Foster + Partners

Foster + Partners have created some creative retail spaces for Apple in recent years. Here is a collection of stores from this collabo... VIEW NOW >

Modern Spirit Distillery Buildings

These distilleries aren't just highly functional industrial facilities but have been designed keeping aesthetics in mind as manufactur... VIEW NOW >

Factories That Blend Functionality and D...

These factories reflect the complex processes and interactions going on inside them by means of facade treatments and smart space orga... VIEW NOW >

Business Centers

Business centers represent the soul and body of a company and how they want to be seen by the world and their communities; they use ar... VIEW NOW >

Alluring Bank Designs

These are not your standard banks VIEW NOW >

World's Coolest Bookstores

These spectacular bookstores encourage readers to put aside technology and enjoy the pleasures of a book in hand VIEW NOW >
