Interior design trends seem to appear out of thin air. First, they are spotted in popular design magazines and blogs, then (with a bit of patience) in local shops, and eventually, sold at mass (think of the marble takeo... READ MORE >
The days of offices filled with stuffy cubicles and popcorn ceilings are (mostly) long gone. T... READ MORE >
Visual Merchandising is the art and science of subtle selling technique incorporated with arch... READ MORE >
Exquisite and an elegant material per se, the veined and fine-textured compressive marble ranges in application from residential to commercial, from interior to exterior, and from slabs to veneer tiles. Marble blocks or... READ MORE >
A large number of people spend a tremendous amount of time inside an office, and the design an... READ MORE >
No longer the fifth wall.. Yesterday, ceilings inspired human kind and architects. Ceilings wo... READ MORE >
The ceiling is the part of a room that is sometimes overlooked. However, there are many different ways that you can create visual interest in a room just by adding a design to the ceiling alone. Updating the look of a r... READ MORE >