The coordination of architecture and construction teams is crucial to a project's success. Construction is a highly collaborative process, and without a joint effort, a crew will encounter issues on the job. Fortunately... READ MORE >
Architects, by definition, need to be concerned with health and safety. After all, any new or... READ MORE >
The building sector has the highest potential for energy efficiency. Though the vast majority... READ MORE >
Commercial and residential buildings are a substantial contributor to climate change, accounting for 11 percent of the country's greenhouse gas emissions. The average building wastes almost 30 percent of the energy it c... READ MORE >
As the world finally seems to be switching on to the need to be more environmentally friendly,... READ MORE >
Society's steady transition toward sustainability has given way to incredible innovations in d... READ MORE >
With an increasing focus on environmentally sustainable initiatives, traditional farming has received bad press for its impact on the planet. This is compounded by an ever-growing population, which ultimately contribute... READ MORE >
Mark Jacobson is a Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at one of the foremost res... READ MORE >
Since its inception in 2013, the Lexus Design Award has provided the opportunity for visionarie... READ MORE >