The Dos & Don'ts of Designing a Sustainable Garden for 2022


Climate change is an issue that will not go away until we collectively change our ways and choose to live more sustainably by adapting our everyday lives.

With this in mind, join us as we run through some of the key ways to embrace sustainability when it comes to (re)designing outdoor spaces.

Do: Embrace Nature

While some people may think that designing an eco-friendly garden will come at a high cost, this isn't always the case.

One example is installing a natural pool. Built around a specialist reed bed technology, these swimming pools utilise nature to help maintain a pleasurable environment to swim in, meaning there won't be a high energy expenditure.

Similarly, creating an area for bee conservation, and a vegetable patch are a great way to embrace nature and help the planet.


Don't: Buy New

The Dos & Don'ts of Designing a Sustainable Garden for 2022

When planning for furniture and ornaments for the garden design, it is best to try to find pre-loved items or upcycling existing items. If that is not possible, at least try to shop more locally, keeping your carbon footprint down as a result.

Whether it be using an old chair as a plant pot holder, installing a vintage ladder in place of a pergola or trellis, or creatively using a wooden pallet to build an outside table, you can let your creativity flow in this area and keep the costs low for your clients at the same time.


Do: Think About Food & Water Waste

Food wastage is one of the biggest contributing factors towards climate change, winding up in landfill sites across the globe and, in turn, contributing to the growing problem of greenhouse gas emissions.

Water wastage impacts the planet's carbon footprint and air quality but also contributes to disease, illness, agricultural scarcity and starvation in areas where water is scarce. 

As such, it's important to consider implementing methods of limiting food and water wastage for your clients.

A compost heap will help reduce food wastage, while a water butt will help conserve rainwater to prevent using drinking water for tasks like watering the plants, cleaning the patio or washing the car.


Don't: Use Harmful Pesticides

The Dos & Don'ts of Designing a Sustainable Garden for 2022

Pesticides can harm the environment, contaminating soil, water and other vegetation which, in turn, can prove toxic to a whole host of organisms, including birds, fish, insects, plants and even domestic animals like dogs and cats.

When designing a garden, opt to use a homemade or environmentally-friendly pesticide instead.


By utilising the tips listed above, you can help ensure you are doing your bit to protect the planet, designing an eco-friendly garden that your clients will love.

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