Solar Panels: An Architectural Inconvenience or a Modern Design Phenomenon

Solar Panels: An Architectural Inconvenience or a Modern Design Phenomenon


Solar panels are hard to miss. But does that make them a bad thing? Does it mean they are an eyesore? Or does it simply mean that they are the way of the future and that design styles and architects' ideas are going to have to work around them, rather than the other way around? 

It's not just a case of sitting solar panels on top of a roof and being done with it. It's a lot more complicated than that. Designers and architects need to ensure that any solar panels installed are not only placed in the perfect spot to maximize their efficiency but that they must look like part of the design aesthetic from the start.

Gone are the days when solar panels were an afterthought (although retro-fitting is entirely possible, and a good idea if it's going to save you money. Speak to an expert company such as My Power for more details). Now they need to be integrated and as much as part of the structure of the building as possible. 

It's quite the challenge. 

But it's one that architects are embracing head-on. How can they not? This is how the world is, and this is how design is, so bucking against it all doesn't make much sense. And there are such beautiful things happening when it comes to incorporating solar energy into designs

The Chance to Be Seen

Solar Panels: An Architectural Inconvenience or a Modern Design Phenomenon

Forward Labs’ Solar Roof

Architects find that creating buildings that use solar power is a chance for them to be seen, for their work to stand out as being part of the future, and to have a say in how modern design is done. Although this is not the only reason why building designers like working with solar panels, it is certainly an important one. 

Being able to shape how the world looks has to be a long-held dream of many an architect; perhaps it’s even why they came into the business in the first place. And here it is; a dream that has become reality. 

Sustainable Architecture 

Sustainable architecture – that is, buildings that not only look good but that do something positive for the environment too – are increasing in popularity. The day will no doubt come when all new buildings will need to incorporate solar panels into their design in some way, and many building owners are taking the initiative and having it done before it becomes compulsory. That way, they won’t have to worry that their clever, state of the art design will have to have panels installed later; the panels being part of the design mean that the building can work around them, and not look in the least bit out of place. 

Unique and Bespoke

Sustainable architecture comes in a variety of different forms, so it will look different each time, allowing designers and architects to put their own stamp on their creations, just as they always have. The designs could include solar roofing, for example, which is what most people think of when tasked to come up with an image of solar panels (although these particular roofing panels may be less easy to spot). Or it could be solar windows, solar glass, solar walls… the possibilities are beginning to be endless. No matter what specifications are given, there is a solar solution to it. Designers are all about creativity, and here is a new way for them to be as creative as they possibly can. It’s exciting to be able to offer unique, bespoke designs that include solar panels. 

Solar Panels: An Architectural Inconvenience or a Modern Design Phenomenon

Tesla’s Solar Roof

Better Interior 

So not only do architects love the idea of playing with solar panels and all they can offer when it comes to the exterior of a building, interior designers love them for what they can bring to the inside space too. Solar architecture makes the entire building better, and that includes the interior. There will be much more natural light coming in (and this boosts positivity and happiness. It even makes people more productive in general and less inclined to procrastination) for one thing. That means people will be more content in their solar panel homes. 

Not only that, but energy bills will be lower, indoor air quality is improved, heating and cooling is more effective, and there will be fewer harmful chemicals in the air. Is it any wonder, then, that solar architecture is something that more and more architects aren’t simply doing because they have to, but because they want to? Or even because they need to; like any creative, now that they have found a new way of expressing themselves, they won’t want to stop. And that’s good for everyone. 

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Comments (1)

3dpraxis studio, Architect Office - Other • 2018

Wow... too good !!!
