S05 Episode 14: Lisa Skelly


In this episode of The Modern Architect, Tom talks to Lisa Skelly.

First working with oils and settling on pastels as her favorite medium, Lisa has studied with some of the best Plein Air Artists in the country, including Ken Auster, Debra Huse, Camille Przewodek, Karl Dempwolf, and many more. 

After her family home burned down in the Sonoma County wildfires of 2017, the Skelly family relocated to Newport Beach, Ca, and Lisa resumed her longtime love affair with the Pacific Ocean. 

This is where Lisa met and connected with Debra Huse, the founder of Debra Huse Studio Gallery. Debra and Lisa became fast friends and as kindred spirits they are sailing into the future together as partners of The Huse-Skelly Gallery

Lisa's art is the culmination of the coast, waves, and love painted through her lens.

S05 Episode 14: Lisa Skelly

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