The Horiso Climate Ready® EB2 D Controller is a two motor controller
that operates facade element/s for eg. shading systems, ventilation systems and other motorised systems. Apart
from Horiso Smart Motor Control software (basic), the EB2 D is unique with
software that is shading specific ST[a]ARS (for roller blinds) and ST[a]ATS
(for venetian blinds and louvers). It allows a highly precise adjustment to the
shading system according to an astrophysical Solar Path Calculus.
In addition to controlling two motors, each controller is capable of accepting
six dry contact inputs. Optional Control
Point modules allow for the addition of sensors and A/V system integration. The
Horiso Climate Ready® EB2 D Controller can
operate stand-alone, networked and / or
dynamic using BACnet MS/TP. Horiso also
manufacture ZigBee PRO WiFi motor controllers.
As an Australian manufacturer and supplier of Solar Control Systems to the architectural and building industries, Horiso® is committed to researching, developing and supplying integrated solar control solutions that are a responsible reaction to climate change. This ideological approach by Horiso has produced new levels in building energy efficiency, with a focus on creating a dynamic building envelope while maintaining user comfort.
As a specialised solutions provider for architects, developers and builders, Horiso has proven expertise in the commercial, hospitality, institutional, governmental, and residential sectors.