Rheem low pressure water heaters (hot water cylinders) are pre-wired to meet New Zealand standards and building code requirements. With all popular-sized models, Rheem offers three inlets from which to choose from - bottom, left hand or right hand sides. Simply connect existing or new plumbing to the appropriate inlet. Plugs to seal off the unused inlets are supplied with the water heater (hot water cylinder). These water heaters are typically rated for a maximum of 76kPa water pressure. Some "Heavy head" (120kPa) models are also available.
Rheem is the name and the company the experts turn to for all their hot water needs. Providing reliable, efficient hot water heating for many years, Rheem brings you the latest in heat pump water heating, solar drain back water heating, hot water cylinder technology and boiling and chilled water products. Rheem is the trusted name in hot water with over 40 years of experience and expertise within New Zealand.