TC54 Series - CliniLever® Surgical Mixing Unit Type 54 by Galvin Engineering.
The main body is made of solid DR brass, with brass outlet. Quick action SBA's includes brass jumper valve component, with a red, blue and yellow indicator button on 150mm lever action handles.
The AS/NZS 3718 Watermark approved TC54 Series CliniLever® Surgical Unit, complies to AS6400-2005 WELS 4 Star Rating (7LPM) .
CliniLever® is the answer for users, hospital engineers and infection control practitioners in today's modern healthcare environments.
With a history spanning 80 years, Galvin Engineering has been relied upon to manufacture and supply Commercial Tapware, Drainage and Fire Fighting products for projects across Australia.
Projects such as Schools, Hospitals, Aged Care, Prisons and Commercial Buildings often need products customised to suit their specific needs. With highly trained and experienced staff to assist you, we are able to fulfil your needs when called upon.