Jumbo Tex is an asphalt-saturated building paper which delivers more predictable and consistent performance than felt based solutions. Unlike some housewraps, it will retain its weather-resistive properties when exposed to either job site surfactants or wood extracts, and tannin derivatives from wood siding. It is a very cost effective solution to most weather resistive barriers and there is no comparable product that can surpass its reliable performance behind stucco, fiber cement siding, brick, vinyl and wood siding.
Fortifiber Building Systems Group has earned a solid reputation for technical expertise, practical know-how and responsiveness to the needs of the building industry by providing Moisture Control Systems that help protect builders and owners from moisture related problems that can damage residential and commercial buildings. Over its 75-year history, the company has become a trusted partner in the effort to solve moisture related building problems, and a valued advisor to building code officials in local communities on construction issues.