MagnaTite® Docking uses a powerful integrated magnet to snap your faucet spray wand precisely into place and hold it there so it stays docked when not in use and doesn't droop over time
DIAMOND™ Seal Technology is less hassle to install and helps your faucet perform like new for life, reducing leak points and lasting twice as long as the industry standard
Everything you need is together in one convenient box, including integrated InnoFlex® PEX supply lines
1 or 3-hole 8" installation
Optional escutcheon included for use with additional mounting configurations and a cohesive look
The Delta brand lives by three tenets: water has the power to transform the way people feel every day, there can be magic in simple solutions and innovations flow from human insight. Inspired by our customers' needs, we've brought you technological magic with simple-solution innovations like Touch2O®, MagnaTite® Docking and H2Okinetic® Technologies. We pair thoughtful features, like being able to turn on your kitchen faucet with a tap of your elbow, with breathtaking designs and product that's built to last a lifetime. It's no wonder that the Delta brand is a leading innovator in the way you use water every day - after all, the best eureka moments happen in the shower.