What do we think and how will it change building and architecture? (let's face it that's pretty important, at least in our world).
First I'd like to say that the iPad is hands down the best "tablet" I've ever used. Sure tablets have been around for a while, but i tried a couple a year ago & the touch screens for average & the software behind them even clunkier. Combined that's a deal pretty though.
So the iPad for us is the first step in replacing paper. Really that what it is, it brings us slightly closer to that paperless world we hear about. How will this affect building information modeling, imagine doing the following:
- Walk on site and be able to carry the full BIM model in your hands.
- Zoom in to any part of a building from any where on site, right where your standing.
- These devices are only going to get thinner, so eventually will be like smart paper
- Draw a new detail then instantly send it to everybody that matters
- Everybody will always be uses the latest drawings, good-bye revision management.
- What about the building schedules, these will always be up to date, as to will the specification.