BIM integration Blog Posts

BIMstop Sponsoring the Austr


BIMstop is proudly sponsoring the Australian Health Design Council Inaugural General Meeting and Melbourne Launch Event. These two events will take place on Thursday 6th September. Please see the brochure for below for more information. The chair of the Australian H... Read More

Polyflor BIM content for Rev


We're pleased to announce that Polyflor BIM files are now available for their complete flooring range on the BIMstop network, in both Revit and ArchiCAD formats. You can download them directly from Polyflor's BIM profile on our network here > The Polyflor BIM fil... Read More

BIMstop helps supercharge al


Traditionally marketing channels have been quite soloed. They all have the same aim; to drive more business to your company, but often get layered on top of each other with not a lot of cross over potential.At BIMstop we believe BIM content is truly different and ca... Read More

Speed Changes Everything


Everyday we want something done faster, or as you'll sometimes hear "we need it by yesterday".This is why BIM is growing so rapidly, it speeds the construction and documentation process up, streamlining everything, so that is can be delivered fast. With the recent C... Read More

BIM Trends


We always keep an eye on BIM and its trends across the globe.Below is a graph showing the search volumes for BIM, Revit & ArchiCAD on Google. There doesn't seem to be much growth in either direction between the three. One thing we did notice though, as that even... Read More

BIM Content On Demand - Test


Occasionally we do something slightly different & get commissioned to build BIM content for Architects to use in-house. This is a big help for the architects as it helps to speed up their building information process, saving both time & money.Below is a test... Read More

Under the Hood: Barrington A


When developing BIM content, at Barrington Arch we use our own custom developed 5-step process. This helps to make sure that the content is not only built to the highest of industry standards, but also meets the needs of your company's target market. The process goe... Read More

BIM Content vs Magazine Adve


An advert in a magazine, goes out to your target market once. Is seen very briefly one time (normally a few seconds), then it gets put away forever. It is also an interruption.A manufacturers BIM (building information modeling) content goes out to its exact target m... Read More

High Speed Doors BIM Content


Recently we've been hard at work building some BIM content for High Speed Doors in New Zealand.This content has been built in both Revit & ArchiCAD formats and we expect it to yield great results for them. Below is a screen cast of the ArchiCAD High Speed Doors... Read More

BIM Content Shouldn't Be An


More & more we are seeing companies that run "building product directories" adding BIM (building information modeling) content as an add-on service for their already advertising clients, this in a lot of ways makes sense, as it helps to promote BIM & helps m... Read More

BIM models add value to your


A BIM is often thought of as simply creating 3D smart models of your products... This is partly due to the companies pushing it, but a thought process we'd like to change.At Barrignton Arch BIM content is more than just 3D models, they also become a technical soluti... Read More

What BIM Means For Doors


At the moment we are working with two doors manufacturers to bring their products to BIM (building information modeling), for both the ArchiCAD and Revit formats.Maybe your company manufacturers doors & you're looking for a new way to market them to architects &... Read More

BIM & Concrete Products


Concrete products are huge part of all buildings now days. Not so surprisingly they can also benefit hugely from being integrated into BIM!If your company manufacturers any of the following products you should start thinking about getting them into a BIM format such... Read More

BIM & Beam Manufacturers


At the moment we are building some BIM content for ProWood NZ who manufacturer engineered timber beams. BIM provides a huge oppotunity for beam or "structure" manufacturers to get their products into a project early and become more apart of the design team.When putt... Read More

BIM & Window Manufacture


How does BIM affect window & door manufacturers??We've been working with a couple of window & door manufacturers recently, they've noticed the move to BIM (building information modeling) software & have wondered how the growing use of Revit & ArchiCA... Read More

Barrington Arch BIM eBook


We've made a few updates to our Guide to BIM (Building Information Modeling) eBook. Whether you're a consultant or a product engineer feel free to download your copy. It will help you to better understand where you & your company fits into the "BIM" process/cycl... Read More

The time difference from som


There's always been a huge difference in the time from when someone specify's a manufacturers product, until the product is actually bought (and/or built). This can be anywhere from months to years.As everything now days is speeding up, construction times, manufactu... Read More

What I'd like in a BIM serve


There's a few different BIM "server" options showing up and to be honest we'd like a cross between all of them.Graphisoft's BIM server for ArchiCAD has brought some fantastic features to the table, as does (open source). Rather than dwell on what we do... Read More

Questions about BIM? (Buildi


We've got a new website on the way, which is very exciting!We get a lot of requests for information about "BIM" (Building Information Modeling) and our new website is going to have a lot of great content which we hope will answer a lot of questions for people.In the... Read More

Great Buildings Designed Wit


We always keep an eye out for great buildings being designed and constructed using BIM (Building Information Modeling) technology. On a recent trip to Melbourne, Australia (to work with a client) we stopped to have a look at the new Melbourne Convention Centre.This... Read More

Autodesk Revit Door Families


Here are a couple of images of some recent door families we have been building for a client, for use with Autodesk Revit. Door families (and door & window BIM content in general) are quite difficult to build as they often have a lot of parameters & setting b... Read More

New Zealand interest in Revi


There's a lot of content being released by manufacturers in New Zealand at the moment, which is great to see.However we think that most of these manufacturers have missed a huge opportunity, what about all of those ArchiCAD users?ArchiCAD users make up around 50% of... Read More

BIM in 2010


We are all back and feeling refreshed!2010 is an exciting year for our company (and the rest of the world). As it's January loads of manufacturers are sitting down and figuring out their plan of attack for the year. It's great to see more of them embracing the move... Read More

Covering all of the BIM base


We are finding more & more manufacturers are coming to us for Revit families of their products. It is great to see them embracing BIM (building information modeling) & we are happy to help create the families for them. As well as help distribute the finished... Read More

What's new @ Barrington Arch


As usual we've been busy! We've been working a range of different projects in different areas, which is great. From developing BIM content (for Revit & ArchiCAD) to launching some web apps for the iPhone - more on this next week.We are currently helping to devel... Read More

Interest In BIM Increasing


BIM (Building Information Modeling) is really taking off now and becoming more of an industry standard. We are seeing a lot more building product manufacturers providing BIM content. As well as a lot more architects, designs & technicians asking for it!As usual... Read More

Use Your BIM Content To Crea


As a part of each BIM design file your company offers (be it Revit or ArchiCAD), there is an interface. The interface is used to control the object's parameters & various settings. However the interface also has another very important use, one that is often over... Read More

Make Sure You Do BIM Content


If it's worth doing, it's worth doing properly!Later we've seen an increase in the number of building product manufacturer (BPMs) wanting BIM content built (for mainly Revit & ArchiCAD).Because of this a lot of "providers" are jumping on the band wagon. Some goo... Read More

Explain better with 3D


3D BIM models help stream line the building process. The building process is often very confusing and difficult to get your head around. Barrington Arch works with clients big & small to help better communicate their design ideas & planning information.The... Read More

Gutter Solutionz, Welcome to


Recently we were approached & and have worked with Gutter Solutionz.Gutter Solutionz are a New Zealand company with a fantastic spouting screen system. Their products is doing fantastic throughout New Zealand, but was normally added as an after thought.Barringto... Read More

What is BIM and how does it


What is BIM? How does BIM affect me?These are two question that we get asked all of the time. (BIM) Building Information Modeling affects manufactures, architects, designers, engineers, contractors & developers.We put together a very useful diagram that helps to... Read More

Increase your bottom line wi


It seem that in this current ecomoney many companies are turning to BIM (building Inforamtion Modeling) technoolgy to increase there bottom line.This works for many reason as it makes their projects run more efficiently and leaves less room for error. There is a gre... Read More

What is Building Information


BIM seems to be a bit of a 'buzz' word at the moment, because of this many people are getting confused about its meaning.We recently come accross this great article. It outlines exactly what BIM (buidling inforamtion modeling) is all about and how it will effect you... Read More

BIM integration for Paint Ma


We now have a new proprietary system which allows us to easily convert paint colours into BIM software. This is a fantastic tool to provide to specifiers as it puts your colours directly into the BIM software.This means your colours are there throughout the entire d... Read More

Testimony from Resene New Ze


Below is a recent testimony from Karen Warman. Marketing Manager for Resene Paints New Zealand.We helped Resene to convert their colour range (5000+ colours) into ArchiCAD colour files. This now allows Architects and Designers throughout the country to quickly and a... Read More
