Star Wars Tie Fighter modeled in BIM - Fun with BIM

  • Star Wars Tie Fighter modeled in BIM - Fun with BIM
Here's a bit of fun for the end of the week.

This video was just sent to us and shows an amazing example of how powerful the modeling tools inside BIM (Building Information Modeling) software are getting.

Below is a short teaser video released by ArchiCAD showing a Star Wars Tie Fighter being modeled in their latest version; ArchiCAD 16. The video shows extensive use of their morph tool which allows for much easier freeform modeling of building elements.

ArchiCAD is releasing a series of videos to show off their latest modeling tools, so we're looking forward to seeing what else they are able to achieve (we'll be sure to post them).

You can watch the video embedded below:

This blog post is related to the following tags amazing BIM, ArchiCAD, ArchiCAD 16, archicad morph tool, ArchiCAD tools, ArchiCAD videos, BIM, BIM case studies, BIM video, building elements, building inforamtion modeling, building models, Friday fun, modeling, modeling tools, morph tool.

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