BIMstop Vectorworks plugin

  • BIMstop Vectorworks plugin
Today we are releasing a new addition to our BIMstop (BIM content network) range of tools, our first Vectorworks plugin.

With the BIMstop Vectorworks add-on you can easily and effortlessly:

  • search for Vectorworks models families
  • upload and share your models
  • quickly access your project online group
  • view and update your profile and activity stream
This new plugin is available as a free download from the BIMstop building information modeling add-ons page here.

This blog post is related to the following tags BIM add-ons, BIM additions, BIM content network, BIM plugins, BIM tools, BIM workflow, BIMstop add-ons,, building information modeling, Vectorworks, Vectorworks BIM, vectorworks models, vectoworks add-ons.

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