A common request we get from BIM managers at firms big to small is a better way for them to manage their in house BIM library. Some firms don't want their users simply going online and downloading anything they want as that can cause issues within shared BIM projects (this has also been a problem with users downloading sub par content from other sites) or it might be just curating the products their firm prefers to use.
Rather they want a fast and easy way to curate and manage what their team has access to and can use within their company's BIM projects.
We've put a lot of work into this and come up with a simple and elegant solution to this problem, that BIM managers and their technicians will love!
Here's how it works:
Within our BIM library you will now see two new tabs. Our full library, your own library and any libraries that have been shared with you.

Adding content to your library is dead simple, simply browse to the page of the item you want to add and click the "Add to my library" button, this will instantly add the item to your own private library. Don't want that BIM object in your library any more? No trouble simply click the button again and it will be removed.

There you have it an easy and fast way to keep your own private BIM library, managing it couldn't be simpler. Now the really exciting bit (especially for the BIM managers out there). You can share your private library with as many other people as you like. This lets the rest of your team easily access the library of content they are allowed to use and you can manage it in real time.
The simple permissions box allows you to share your curated library with as many or few users as you like, keeping you in complete control.

So what are you waiting for? Click here to start your own private library >
We have some great features in the works to make private libraries ever smarter, so stay tuned.